The BEING Zone®



What is it?

“The Art of Happiness is in The Pause.”

The BEING Zone®

The BEING Zone is a calm, meditative, connected state of BEING. It is a zone where you are able to operate from your heart instead of your head allowing you to intuitively know what feels good and right to you. It is a sacred space, where you are able to turn off all the noise and  feel profound inner peace. You’ll develop a deep knowing within your body that enables you to make sound choices and judgments from this place of true alignment.   In The BEING Zone, you reset your mind, body, and spirit to move forward in a more present way.

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When you step into The BEING Zone, you are giving yourself the gift of calm. It is a place where you feel free, yet extremely connected at the same time. The best news is you can choose to go into your personal BEING Zone at any time, and you can get there with simple breathing techniques.

We love this quote by one of our favorite authors and teachers, Wayne Dyer. He said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” When you exist in The BEING Zone consistently you will look at things differently because you are operating from a quiet place, completely tuned into your senses and feelings and everything around you will look and feel better.

When you practice getting into The BEING Zone regularly, you begin to feel your mind, body and spirit being restored and brought into balance. You’ll start feeling more present and aware, you’ll notice yourself healing old wounds and seeing your heart fill with joy and happiness. “The art of happiness is in the pause.” So, when you learn to push the pause button, you will begin to live in a different space. In time, after experiencing your success in this present, connected state, The BEING Zone will become a way of life.


Just Breathe!

The BEING Zone is a place
you can get to, at any time
within minutes through
your breath.


Exist in The Pause

The BEING Zone is a place where you are in the present moment and feel connected to your body and in tune with what is going on within you.


Change the Way You Look at Things!

Perspective is everything. When you change how you look at life, you will have relief from chaos and be able to detach from the craziness. Your burdens and responsibilities will feel lessened.

One Step at a Time!

a single step will start your journey

minutes a day to master the being zone

days for behaviors to become a habit

people transformed from the being zone

What can The BEING Zone® Do For You?

You will learn to deal more effectively with the pressures brought to you through our always-on, technology-driven, fast-paced, high-pressure world by learning to stop, breathe, and get into The BEING Zone. Operating in The BEING Zone will also help better manage your new normal where work-from-home reality is blurring lines with trying to maintain a work-life balance.

The BEING Zone state is a place you want to exist in, because this is where you will make the most effective and profound decisions you have ever made. You will gain clear insights because you are calm, collected, confident and connected. You are existing in the present moment not stuck living in your past or worrying about the future. The noisy voice in your head will become a distant memory. This allows your perception of reality to change, opening up new truths and opportunities that you may not have realized were possible before.

Existing in The BEING Zone means everything in your life will be more manageable because it’s a state where the craziness is quieted, and you connect with your true self. It’s like a breath of fresh air and relief from all the noise and place you can return to anytime.

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In The BEING Zone you can start to experience self-love and a deep joy inside yourself because you’re not distracted by all the busy DOING in life. You will begin to naturally be motivated to do things that will make you feel better.  You will be able to strengthen personal relationships, create a vision and plan for personal growth where you will feel more self-fulfilled. Over time you will get into what we call the flow state because your thoughts, feelings and patterns have changed. This is when you will begin to see synchronicities happening all the time for you. You’ll feel happy inside and work well with others. Your life will continue to improve until one day when you realize you are living the life you dreamed of.

You are going to feel better too. Science has proven your body has the innate ability to heal. When you quiet your mind and become aware of what your body is saying, you can give it what it needs instead of just accepting aches, pains and discomfort as normal. When you change your actions in response to what your body is asking for, you will become more balanced and create greater wellness and be motivated to continue to work on personal growth and development until you have created a life you love.

The BEING Zone tools and methods aren’t just things that worked on one person. These are tools that have been tested and proved successful on dozens of people, of different ages and backgrounds, working through different issues over the years. The Client Stories and testimonials attest to how powerful The BEING Zone system can be for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

What is the difference between The BEING Zone and The BEING Zone System?

The BEING Zone is a way of BEING or a state of mind and body. It is where you learn essential tools and exercises to bring your mind, body, and spirit into a state of homeostasis or balance. Where you feel at peace or tranquil and operate in what is called a flow state. It is a place where you are calm and can make decisions from a very deeply connected and heart-based space. The BEING Zone System provides all the education, training, tools, and techniques that will take you to this BEING Zone state and assist you in clearing out and releasing trauma, blocks, barriers, and old beliefs. It explains the whys and what’s and guides you through a multitude of options to take you to the place where you can begin to operate in the BEING Zone state regularly.

How did The BEING Zone System begin?
If you read Marla’s story, you will find she went from being a highly-stressed corporate leader who continually faced autoimmune stress-related illnesses to learning to exist in The BEING Zone. It took three bouts of illness to figure out that she had to change how she was operating in the world. She thought how she acted was normal as that was what was role-modeled to her, work hard, and you will succeed. She kept doing the same thing and expecting different results, and we all know that is the definition of insanity. She now knows it isn’t about working harder. 
After leaving corporate America, Marla took on her healing as her new priority in life. She
attended hundreds of workshops and events live, and even more online. She read close to a thousand self-healing books and has this uncanny ability to take what she reads and figure out how to make it a reality in her own life. She started to get amazing results and knew that she had to take what she had learned and share it with others as she had heard over and over again from clients,
“I read this stuff but don’t know how to apply it,”
or “I get it and agree with it mentally but don’t know how to make it happen.”
After tremendous success with her coaching clients, Marla decided to create a practical, easy to use system with logical steps and processes that she knew worked. After successfully applying this system with all her clients over the years, one of her clients in the publishing world recommended she write a book to teach people how to use this system and learn to operate in this new zone,

The BEING Zone.

How can The BEING Zone system help me?
You can transform completely, creating a life that you love, the one you dreamed of having. It does take commitment and discipline, but this system works if you are willing to take the time to make it your new way of being.
Do I need any previous knowledge about healing to use this method?
You need no previous knowledge, only an openness to new concepts and trying new tools and exercises.
Can I learn how to help people with The BEING Zone system?
Absolutely! If you work in any field that counsels or helps people, learning the tools shared in the system, sets you up for more success. You will find that your life becomes easier as you apply the concepts taught within the system for yourself, and then when you share these concepts with clients or patients or family, their lives will also transform.
How does The BEING Zone System differ from other "self-help" modalities?

There are many different types of self-help modalities in the world, and we know many of them and support them. The difference between most of those and The BEING Zone System is most modalities focus on one tool as the answer. The BEING Zone system offers multiple options allowing each person to create a program that works for them. Every person is unique, and no one thing works well for every person. You can learn and explore the different options within The BEING Zone book and see what resonates with you. You’ll be able to find what works for you, and you are more likely to stick with it if it feels right. One of the advanced readers of the book said, “this is different than anything out there. Instead of just sharing the knowledge, you are teaching people how to make it a reality in their lives and providing them options, so it works for them.”

Who can benefit from The BEING Zone System?
Anyone and everyone who is ready to learn, be open to new ideas, and commit to at least 10 minutes per day will benefit greatly.
For an individual, it can serve to release limiting subconscious beliefs, blocks, and barriers that often hinder the expression of one’s full potential in life.

For a professional mental health practitioner, it becomes a compelling set of tools to complement traditional talk therapies and give new options for helping clients.

For people with health challenges, it is a way to complement medical treatment by releasing stress, bringing in good energy, and learning how to help the body’s natural ability to heal.
For a spiritual seeker, this is a way to strengthen, ignite, and create a bond with a higher power. Your intuition will be heightened, thereby creating a bridge to your higher consciousness.

Can The BEING Zone system cure illnesses?

It is essential to know that The BEING Zone System is not a substitute for professional medical treatment; it is a complement to it. The BEING Zone System has a component about altering limiting subconscious beliefs, especially those that are related to stress-induced illnesses. These beliefs are usually developed in the early years of your life, and often continue into adulthood, below the level of your conscious awareness. The BEING Zone System can help you identify and address the underlying issues so you can begin to feel lighter and happier. We won’t say it cures illnesses, but we can tell you without hesitation, many clients who had depression, diseases or physical issues did heal after learning and applying The BEING Zone System to their lives. We can’t say if their healing was a result of following this system, but we can say it had an impact. Clients have self-reported their healing journeys in their own words. We have received testimonials that say things like: 

“What I would say about Marla is one word, “AMAZING.” Marla is so intuitive. She can help guide you out of pain and help you deal with issues you didn’t even know were hindering your path.” – Cathy Aquino

“Marla is in a league all her own – She was able to discover blocks in minutes, that 1 ½ years of coaching never did.” – Judy Hathaway

“We hired Marla Williams, as a life coach, for my sister who has suffered from serious depression, anxiety and panic attacks for the last 20 years. She has attempted suicide several times in the last 10 years and been hospitalized with in and outpatient treatments that had no lasting effects. We had tried everything over these years trying to help, psychiatrists, therapists; psychologists who continued to prescribe different drugs that helped temporarily but always failed to heal her. Her latest psychiatrist told us she will never be healed and that she has a chronic disease and will be on medication for the rest of her life. That was the breaking point. We knew we had to find an alternative for her to lead a healthy, joyful, productive life. This was when we sought out Marla; to try a completely different refreshing approach. Marla has been working with her for 5 months, and we have seen amazing results. Marla’s approach, through lifestyle changes, helped to pull her out of this depressed state she lived in and began to enjoy life again.” -Diane L

“I am going to cry, but it’s a good cry, though. I had been struggling for many years, emotionally, self-esteem, hating my job and so on. I had done anti-depressants and had seen a variety of therapists. One of my girlfriends said you should go to this retreat. She knew I had been struggling and was in a hole. I decided to go. I met Marla and to sum it up when I got back, my husband said, “I don’t know who this Marla lady is, but I love her.” It has been baby steps; I had tried everything, and Marla has changed my life.”– Alisa Michalzek

“After coaching with you, I no longer suffer from self-worth issues or insecurities…I have changed profoundly within. I know there will be bumps in the road and I will keep learning to use my new tools but overall my inner world is so much better. You have made such a profound difference in my life, I am like a new person.” – Lloyd V

“What a profound impact her ideas have had on my work, health, and happiness.” – Sarah Hanson, President/COO

What will I learn in The BEING Zone book and Journal?

The BEING Zone book with its companion BEING Journal will guide you through The BEING Zone System. You will methodically learn things in an order where it will provide a logic to help you learn how to exist in The BEING Zone. The key to learning and applying the lessons is journaling. You will find that journaling will become a big part of your healing process, helping you identify and get to the root cause of why you are unhappy or stuck in life. Once you understand that and clear those issues, release things that no longer serve you, and forgive those who hurt you, you can earnestly begin your healing journey. The book goes on to help you understand how to quit operating in your auto programmed, ego head DOING all the
time, and how to listen to your heart or intuition and learn how to move into BEING more of the time. When you learn about energy and connection with source, you will see your practice elevate to a whole new level, and the book culminates with having you create a daily practice, so these new learnings and beliefs become part of your everyday life. That is when you will recognize and reap the benefits of existing in The BEING Zone.

How do I contact an expert?

We are setting up a training program to take therapists, counselors, psychologists, social workers, coaches, nurses, etc. skills to a higher level. Once they have completed all three modules of the training, you will find them listed on our website as a skilled practitioner. In the short term, Amanda and Marla are your primary sources.

“Silence is a source of great strength.”

-Lao Tzu