Direction will be found in The BEING Zone System
Within Marla’s BEING Zone book, she shares a wholistic view of what it truly means to seek and experience wellness, and something even greater than the healing itself, a guide towards BEING. You are destined as a reader of this book to uncover a version of yourself that has been quieted within you for a long time. Imagine each page that you turn being a new layer of excavating what was once thought to be lost or intangible within you. Whether you are looking to heal a physical manifestation of your suffering or hoping to become a more empowered version of yourself, hungry for happiness, or just needing a spark of clarity, direction will be found in The BEING Zone System. Just a few months after applying the teachings found in this book to my life, I find myself here, a woman who can say for certain BEING is the state in which I flow more and more each day with positivity and light. Each challenge I have faced over the last few months, I have approached with grace and true wellness of BEING because of Marla Williams’ teachings, guidance, and practices.