I learned something new today. Most of us breathe wrong and how we breathe has a major impact on our bodies and health and wellbeing.  Whoa…how can you breathe wrong, I asked?   How is that possible?

Breathing and Your Health

James Nestor is an author of Breathe: The New Science of a Lost Art and a scientist.  He has done a lot of research on breathing and participated in a breath study.  There are documents dating back over 4,000 years that focus on the importance of breathing correctly. Scientists and researchers have known for years that breathing through the nose is much more effective, efficient, and better for your health.  A large part of our population today tends to breathe through our mouths, and Nestor says that mouth breathing has an adverse effect on facial and skeletal growth, health, academics, and behavior.  Who would have known?

Breathing Study Results

Nestor participated in a study where he plugged his nose with silicone for 10 days forcing him to breathe only through his mouth. During that 10 day period, his nasal obstruction triggered instant snoring and sleep apnea, impacting his oxygen levels, blood pressure, and overall health and wellbeing.  When he moved to only nose breathing, the snoring, apnea, and other health concerns immediately went away. His energy levels and athletic performance jumped dramatically. Take the results of this small study along with 50 years of research and thousands of years of text, and you will begin to understand that how you breathe is very important. Research studies show that breathing through the nose allows the lungs to extract oxygen much more efficiently.

Are You Over Breathing? 

On top of that, Nestor says we breathe too much?  How can you breathe too much, I ask?  For example, individuals with high anxiety, respiratory issues, or asthma tend to breathe more through their mouth and almost hyper-ventilate.  This over-breathing is making things worse for them.  Think about a time when you may have gotten anxious, and you began to breathe more rapidly. It’s easy to do.  When you breathe too much, you cause your adrenaline and blood sugar to spike and stay in that state, and that wears the body down.

Test Your Breathing

Here is a test you can take to determine if you are breathing too much. Take 10 to 20 big, deep breaths.  When you are done, notice if your head is tingling at all or if your fingertips are cool.  If so, that is from lack of circulation to those areas.

How to Breathe Properly

Nestor recommends the following for proper breathing:

  1. Breathe through your nose all the time (both the inhale and exhale).
  2. Breathe slowly.  It should be light, slow, and deep.  You will get more oxygen throughout your body when you breathe less and more slowly.
What About Different Breathing Techniques in Yoga or Athletics?

We have all been taught different breathing techniques in yoga classes, meditation, or sports.  Nestor says it is perfectly ok to do those breathing techniques as part of a short practice but don’t make it your way of breathing full-time. You want to do the slow, steady nose breathing as a habit and be open to other breathing techniques when doing that specific practice or exercise only.   One of my favorites is the Three-Part Breathing, which includes a deep breath in through your nose, hold and release through your mouth.  I still encourage this exercise to move you into a calmer state almost immediately.  Follow it with slow, deep nose breathing to stay in that new zone of BEING.

It Made a Difference for Me

When I heard this interview and took it upon myself to be very conscious about my breathing, it is amazing what I discovered.  I found when I am hiking, or on a fast-paced walk, or climbing stairs, I tended to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth.  I did find I escalated my breathing.   Now that I am aware and making a conscientious effort of nose breathing when doing these activities, I find I have more energy and tend to not run out of breath as easily.   I find that when I am working and in the zone, I naturally nose breath more.  So my goal is to make nose breathing a habit as I can already see the advantages.

I encourage all of you to focus on nose breathing and see how much better you feel!

Click here to learn more about James Nestors Work

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