We have all been through some pretty dramatic changes this past year in how we operate, including who we see, what we do, where we work, etc.  Many of us love our new lifestyle because we have more time for ourselves due to no commute, fewer meetings, etc.    We may miss socializing with our friends, but many of us have found ways to build that into our lives safely.  We are spending more time hiking at a safe distance or spending time outdoors visiting safely.

However, many of you out there have had difficulty with this change in lifestyle for a myriad of reasons.   If you are a parent with young children, you may be juggling school from home schedules on top of your and your spouse’s work from home schedule.   When everything happens at home, from school to work to chores and entertainment, it can become overwhelming.   If you can relate, this blog is for you.

You can do so many things to nurture yourself still so you are feeling good inside and out. These are all steps that I recommend for anyone, whether you have kids or not.  Do it for yourself if there are no kids at home. Let’s talk about a schedule and a simple to implement plan that will make your new reality even easier.  You can do this as a parent or grandparent.

  1. Wake up 10 minutes earlier and build a daily meditative practice into your day, so you start your day with ease and grace and are ready to greet your kids in a calm space? My 5 Daily B.E.I.N.G. Steps would be perfect for this. You can find a sample in The BEING Zone Book.  Feel free to email us at support@thebeingzone.com, and we will be happy to send you a PDF of the steps.
  2. Make meal-time healthy and fun. It could be part of your kid’s education or a special time with your significant other with a focus on better health. Children age three and up can all participate and learn. Your three-year-old can set the table and learn the proper setup.  Your children, who are a little older, can help with the cooking process, from finding ingredients to mixing ingredients to cooking.  Make it an interactive, confidence-building time while taking the pressure off you.  Talk about the healthiness of each meal and why you might include certain items.
  3. Spend time outdoors every day. Plan daily outings (Rain, snow, or not).  Bundle up and enjoy. Spending time outside is exceptionally healing and calming.  It will do you and your children a lot of good, and everyone will be more tired at bedtime.  If you can plan outings with activities, it makes the time fly by.   It might be a nature hunt looking for certain types of trees or plants.  It might be a hike or finding trees to hug or lean against.   It might be a walk in the neighborhood or a trip to the beach to beach comb. Find time for yourself on these outings if you have children. Just stop and breathe and enjoy your surroundings. Change it up frequently.
  4. Plan movie, game, or art nights. Instead of falling into repetitive shows or getting caught up in social media, plan a fun evening with those you love.  Pick a special movie or a game you can play as a group.  Make a fun dinner together, followed by popcorn and festive mocktails. You can also plan art projects that anyone can do and make it a fun evening.   When you do this, you spend more time talking and sharing than just getting lost in your world.
  5. Take time for yourself! At the end of the day, take a hot-tub or soak in the bath and add lavender essential oil and candles to make it special. Do some wind-down breathing, stretches, and meditation guaranteed to help you sleep better.  Grab a good book to settle down with for the evening and (if you have kids), have them do the same.  It’s a reading hour!

Don’t get caught up in what’s wrong and how little time you have.  Focus on building these calming and happiness-boosting activities into your life today!

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