Give Yourself the Gift of Gratitude

Give Yourself the Gift of Gratitude

December is traditionally a time for celebration with family and friends.  It is a time for gratefulness and joy, but the realities for some are vastly different this holiday season.  For some of you, your dreams of a cozy and festive family gathering may or may not...
Create a Life You Love Living

Create a Life You Love Living

What Does Loving Life Look Like? Do you dream of having a life that is easier and more effortless?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to stop micromanaging, pushing, and forcing things to happen?  Think of what it would feel like to relax and allow life to unfold right in...
How To Increase Your Happiness

How To Increase Your Happiness

5 Simple Steps to Greater Happiness You may not realize it until late into your life that you may spend most of your time trying to please others or make them happy, so you fit in. When you spend all your time pleasing others, it might make you happy or fill you up in...