Everyone wants more joy and happiness in their life. What if you could wake up every day and feel good inside, know where you are going, know you are making a difference, and just feeling great inside? It sounds great, but that is not where most people exist.

Creatures of Habit

In truth, most people wake up every day and by habit begin to think about their problems.  Your brain’s circuits are from past experiences, people, and situations and are where your thoughts automatically go.  In other words, your thoughts are a record of the past.  If you start your day thinking in the past, you will stay in the past. If you feel sad, unhappy, or frustrated, your thoughts cause these familiar emotions, and how you feel is what starts your day.  You can’t think greater than how you feel.  So many people keep creating the same day and life out of habit. Think about the start of your day for a moment. A high percentage of people grab their cell phones and check social media and/or the news, which impacts how they feel.  Then they go through the same routine behaviors, do the same things, see the same people, and that routine becomes programmed into them.

 Survival State or Joy?  It is a Choice.

Most people spend their lives in stress and often in a survival state.  We tend to visualize the worst possible outcome, which programs our bodies to reaffirm the problem we are focused on. When you are aware that you do this, you can make a conscious choice to change.  You can build BEING into your life and create an experience of Joy and Happiness.  Your body doesn’t know the difference between the real-world event and what your mind is creating.   You can choose to create or visualize what you do want.  The more you do this, the more your body responds to the new thinking and reacts accordingly.

Instead of a repeat of the past, you are creating a map to the future.  Teach body what it will feel like when you have the success, joy, and happiness you want.  You want those feelings now.  Don’t wait for something outside of you to feel better.  Visualize feeling better, so you draw that something to you.

You will become more whole and empowered, and this causes an effect in your body.  Instead of living like a victim, you become the creator of your new world or your new reality.  Your feelings and thinking will change your life.  Take charge and become the creator of your reality.  Meditation is the tool for changing your environment to one of Joy.

Move into The BEING Zone

If you want to change your life’s redundancy and build more joy into it, the answer is learning to put yourself in The BEING Zone at the start of each day as that simple action will begin to reprogram your mind and habits, which impacts how you feel. What if you started your day by visualizing and creating the type of day and life you desire, one full of joy and happiness and fulfillment?  You can do it.  You can begin to reprogram your thoughts and create a life you love just by doing the “B” Step of the five daily B.E.I.N.G. Steps.

What is the “B” Step? How do you do it?  “B” is for BEING:

  1. You stop and do some deep breathing to get centered and present.
  2. Then follow that with a meditation that puts you in the present moment while visualizing and experiencing what it feels like to be in a calm, joyful state doing what you love.

Listen in to a Meditation for Joyfulness

Close your eyes and disconnect from your outer environment.   The goal is to keep your body and mind in the present moment.   Listen to this meditation that will help you visualize and feel joy in your mind, body, and soul.

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